Gerald Ray, Joe Carrell, Jenni and Owen Griffin

Jenni was a featured soloist at Hyde Park Baptist Church in Austin, Texas

People of all ages love to hear Jenni sing. At 102 years of age, Bert Clark is a very special fan who heard Jenni sing at the Hyde Park Baptist Church in Austin, Texas.

Jenni is pictured with Maestro and Mrs. Anshel Brusilow after her performance with the Richardson Symphony.

What a great bunch of guys! Jenni is pictured with members of the Hamilton Park Baptist Church Male Chorus after her performance with the Richardson Symphony.

Jenni is pictured with John Sherow-Tatum, the director of the Hamilton Park Baptist Church Male Chorus, after her performance with the Richardson Symphony.

Quotes about Jenni
Jenni Till has a captivating voice. The entire range of the voice is incredibly beautiful. In a recent performance of Handel's Messiah, she mesmerized the audience with her vocal flexibility in "Rejoice, Greatly O Daughter of Zion." I don't remember when I have ever heard this aria sung so beautifully. - Dr. C. David Keith, Conductor, Oratorio Chorus, Ft. Worth Symphony Festival Chorus