My life has been a symphony of musical experiences! From the very beginning, the love of music penetrated my heart and home due to my parents’ extraordinary gifts and talents. I learned from them that music is not only a gift from God, but that it is a tool whereby He can reach deep into the hearts of men and stir them to heights of joy and peace.

My father’s Ministry of Music at First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas was expansive—over 21 choirs!! My mother created and directed the graded choir program where children not only learned songs about God, but they were also taught how to read music and appreciate the great masters of music.

As a young person, I had the joy of singing under my parent’s leadership. The Youth Choir Tours my father directed were monumental experiences in my life, both spiritually and musically. I was afforded opportunities to travel to Europe, Mexico, Canada, and the Orient and sang in beautiful concert halls to the smallest of churches.

My sister, brother and I often sang in special services along with my parents, and now those times are “forever treasures” in my heart! The passage of time brought sudden waves of change in my life as a young person.

Those waves were extremely hurtful and full of loss, but the constant of God’s love—the love I was taught through all of the songs I so easily sang—that love is the reason I am here today. That love brings a peace that passes all understanding and keeps my heart and mind focused on things eternal. This eternal perspective is a result of a trusting relationship with Almighty God through His son, Jesus Christ, and His presence fills my life with joyful song—a joy the world just cannot explain.

So, my heart’s desire as a concert artist is to reflect my Creator through the gifts He has given me and to inspire others to seek Him. God promises us that if we seek Him with all our hearts, we will find Him. It is an unbelievable joy to know that He could use my voice, my music, to help soothe a troubled soul—to encourage a weary person—or to bring smiles to those who need some joy! The work is God’s and I praise Him for using me as one of His tools. What an awesome experience!!

Whether I am singing secular songs, sacred and spiritual selections, operatic arias, gospel songs, or even musical comedy, I feel His pleasure and presence—and it is my prayer that you do, too!!

The above images were taken at a Partiotic Concert at Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Jenni is featured with pianists Nielson & Young.

Quotes about Jenni
I want to recommend Jenni Till to you! Her beautiful voice combines with her wonderful spirit and allows her to minister to your congregation. One of my favorite things about her is that she connects with your people allowing her the opportunity to communicate on more than just a musical level. She is a pleasure to work with! - Fred McNab, Minister of Music, Hyde Park Baptist Church, Austin, Texas